Quantifying the Value of Customer Service

Hyatt’s Mark Hoplamazian writing in my alma mater’s Knowlege at Wharton blog,  outlined a useful method of quantifying the value of customer service.

In a nutshell, what Mark said was ‘ask your customers’ to rate your customer service….you may have noticed this when someone in customer service to rank how they did in solving your customer service problem, or how the company is doing in general on customer service.

The other good thing Mark did was keep the questions down to 5….enough to get an idea. I recall doing a survey on Lincoln a while back after leaving their website that was much too long….they’ve fixed it.

We don’t recall if he had weightings on his reponses to the five , but we think that’s a good idea. As you might suspect, we weight nearly everything.

Here’s the link to Mark’s article: http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article.cfm?articleid=3095

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