The ASE Way Forward for You

Last weekend, we had a call from a prospective student who was a little unclear about what we thought about how she should proceed on taking our courses to get her business up and running. So, here are some steps that we gave her and recommend to all of you:
1. We emailed her our miniplan so she could see what investors might be looking for. These templates will be on our website in the near future, but in the meantime, we’ll email them to you.
2. Even before that, we like people to take our Entrepreneurial Questionnaire, to determine which flavor of entrepreneurial flavor you’d like. There are several.
3. She had started validating her idea, but she agreed that she needed more market research, which is covered in our course A02. She should get an idea of what her topline revenues should be after doing this course.
2. At this point, she would have to look at her expenses, which is in A05, Cash Flow Budgeting for Startups, which will give her an idea of how long it will take her to get to breakeven. Some recalculation may be necessary, depending on finances.
4. After this step, if there are intellectual property issues, our course in Business Law (A16) would be a good investment.
5. By this time, one should have a good idea of how much money is involved, so the question becomes where can you raise money, or do you have financial resources? A11 would be appropriate.
6. After the money step (which is a big one, because everyone wants money before the idea is fully baked), then go to A12, implementing a new business. Since her business was internet based, take the Internet marketing course, A08; there are established businesses that don’t do all the stuff in this course.
Finally, you should be ready to launch, or might have to go back and rejigger a few things.
Total investment (for recorded courses): about $180 to $210. Information: should be priceless, well ahead of anything else you can find anywhere else.
Increased chance of success by doing it our way: about 80%.
So, have at it!

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