Dihana Barnes, writing for business2community.com, had an interesting post on how to jazz up your email marketing for more sales.
Interesting points, especially the ones about using a little humor in the emails, but we thought she might be missing a couple of points:
1.The importance of the headline in getting potential buyers to open the email. We tend to favor the direct approach, such as ‘save 25% on cross trainers’ or ‘change your drawer supplier’.
2.We still think the product or service and the intended audience is important to success; lipstick on pigs doesn’t work too well.
3. Watch your list quality. It should be opt-in, or even double opt-in.
4. Most important: DON’T FORGET THE CALL TO ACTION! What do you want the customer to do or buy?
Here’s the link: http://www.business2community.com/online-marketing-/email-marketing-tips-for-small-business/