You Forgot the Product or Service and Price

I’m not sure what’s being taught in marketing classes these days, but Smita Singh, writing in the Huffington Post (I didn’t know they covered business) has some new ‘P’s in the marketing equation: Purpose, Positioning, Personality.

Wow. Several marketing mavens are turning over in their graves.

Personality? Sounds like something you would bring personally. However, Apple has injected personality into its products, so I’m not completely opposed. But, in a B2B environment?

Purpose is good: you should explain in ad copy, social media and elsewhere what your product or service does. And how it’s different or better, and why one should buy it.

Positioning is good, or where your product or service stands in the in the marketplace, on a perceptual basis. So keep that one.

But she forgot anything about the product or service, or what you’re offering. It’s what you normally put in promotional literature, but she forgot that one, too.

Price was dropped on the floor, too. You DO have to charge something for your product or service, and hopefully you’ve researched it to position well in the marketplace.

Anyway, there are more ‘P’s (some of my marketing buddies have used as many as nine of them) and you should take a look at your product or service to see how you’re doing.

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