How to Make a Poor Performance Review More Effective

Gwen Moran wrote this post on October 10, and while we agree with most of what she has to say, we’re going to tailor it for our audience, which is business owners. Gwen’s post is written more from a supervisory standpoint, and is probably more deferential than many small business owners would be. Our additional comments:

1. Explain the poor performance in detail, eg., bad welds, lack of imagination in doing a new project.

2. If this is a first warning, or the first bad performance review, it’s good to provide some room for corrective action. It might happen.

3. You’re the boss, and in the final analysis, you hold the deciding cards. If you don’t like what you hear, or corrective action hasn’t been taken by the employee, they should be released, at least in a right to work state. If you’re in a union state, or have a union, you have to inform the union of the firing.

4. Try to find something positive to say in releasing them: ‘you might fit in over at xyz company…..they’re hiring.’

So: here’s the link to Gwen’s post:

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