Tony Robbins and Chet Holmes on Sales: Watch Out

Recently, in the Phoenix radio market Tony Robbins and Chet Holmes have been running radio ads about Chet’s promise to double sales in 12 months.
The promise is all well and good, but it mostly won’t work, in my opinion, for several reasons.
1. Most sales people aren’t capable of doing the mechanical stuff that we outline in our sales courses (E01,02 and 03), and we’ve found through my Solutions Forum owner consulting that it’s difficult to retrain them. It’s better to replace, although after you fire one or two of the miscreants, the remainder begins to pay attention.
2. Most businesses don’t really have a unique reason for being in business (our unique selling proposition, Course A03) or offering the product lines that they do.
3. Therefore, without 1) and 2), they wind up in commodity hell, as we put it. They compete on price, and think that’s they only way to do it, completely overlooking various competitive differentiators that they could use.
So, my friends out there, if you fix the things you need to fix, yes, you can double your sales in 12 months, but it isn’t quite as easy as Robbins and Holmes would have you believe.

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