Hail and Farewell

This is an old Navy term that connotes the changing of command, and it’s about the nicest thing I could say regarding the departure of Barry and the Gangsters.

Farewell to Little Barry.  Thank God that we only have to deal with the pardon of Chelsea Manning in his last hours. It’s been eight years of annoyance. We in the small business community didn’t feel much wrath from him (I’m not sure he knows we’re out here), but it’s the absence of the psychological downer that the presents.

Hail to the Donald, the CEO of the government. So far, his cabinet picks look stellar, and the Senate Dems can’t block them….not enough votes. It’s also encouraging that he wants to cut non-defense spending 20%. Frankly, we’re of the opinion that even Defense spending can be cut, especially with the redoubtable Mattis in charge. We think the budget might actually sort of be in balance.

The media largely has missed the fact that Donald wants to level the trade playing field, and some of the tariffs are just the opening gambits in the world chess match.

Even with the tax cuts, growth should kick revenues upward enough to balance. We continue to be concerned with the change in government culture (accountability might be a foreign term), but it will take time.

We like the fact that Trump is making the rounds of the most important agencies….CIA, State and Defense, to give them all a pep talk. That’s leadership.

It’s also comforting that some of the appointees want to get rid of their cabinet posts….EPA, Education, Commerce. We wish them well.

So, here we go.

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